Reiki @ the CPD 10th District National Night Out

The Chicago Police Department often gets a bad rap in the media, but we've seen them at their best. They do so much to help their community that's not in any job description.

In addition to the service fairs they host for survivors of domestic violence, they also put on a National Night Out community event every year. Usually it's an outdoor festival. But this year, it was pouring at the beginning of the event and officers scrambled to make room for everyone inside.

Then they cooked up good food and made everyone feel welcome. Music played, kids danced, "Bingo!" rang out, and a good time was had by all. 

We were there offering reiki demos to anyone willing to try. Several attendees were blown away by their experiences. One recipient in particular commented that he has fibromyalgia, and that he could really feel the energy helping him. 

Note the horse off to the left, which was our nemesis throughout the event. We kept our bags on the floor below, and between us racked up 6 or 7 head bonks on the horse's chin. Good thing we know how to channel reiki!

Big thanks to the officers at the 10th, and to Reiki Brigade volunteers Rebecca, Ziuta, and Monique, who always flow with whatever circumstances we find at our events!

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Here's to raising awareness and availability of the benefits of reiki!
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