Reiki for Boxing Out Negativity Staff

We met up with this amazing organization at their Bike Out Negativity and Street Love events this summer. When Founder and Head Coach Derek tried a session, he knew he had to introduce his team to reiki. He’ll tell you how it went in the video below.

Favorite feedback:
“I felt like I was talking to and touching God.”

Joanna and I worked with 18 staff members and feel blessed to be connected to this community of helpers.

With Coach Derek’s stamp of approval, everyone was very open and eager to try reiki. The results of their feedback are here, but the smiles and wonder in their eyes said it all.

This is a great organization. They’re building community and teaching self respect in neighborhoods where kids have very difficult and life-altering decisions to make about how they spend their time and with whom they associate.

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Here's to raising awareness and availability of the benefits of reiki!
If you'd like us to visit your workplace, please get in touch.
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Complete the application linked to our web page to get the process started.