Reiki Lunch & Learn @ the FAA

Gentle readers, you may recall that back in June we participated in the Federal Aviation Administration's very first wellness fair. We had a great time and offered reiki to lots of folks. But after seven years of outreach events in communities which include homeless veterans, the Chicago Police Department, and recent parolees, we were hassled most aggressively by a few employees at the FAA than ever before. You can read that story here.

Nevertheless, we persisted. The folks who did try reiki (48 of them!), were so profoundly impacted by it that the FAA's HR dept. teamed up with their Employee Assistance Program to bring us back for an exclusively reiki event. We were thrilled!

Gina and I offered reiki demos while the crowd filtered in. There were some familiar faces from the previous event and some newbies who were intrigued by the in-house promotion of the event. All in all, about 20 employees showed up to learn more about their energetic nature as a means to restore and maintain health and wellbeing. 

The presentation was entitled:  Energy Medicine - fact or fantasy? I brought my laptop, PowerPoint, lists of published reiki research studies, and my energy ball to win over more of this tough crowd. 

I told some stories and jokes, then members of the crowd shared some of their experiences. We talked about the current state of energy healing modalities within the Western medical model. They asked fantastic questions!

We did a couple exercises to keep it lively and engaging. This is a demonstration of the human body's electromagnetic nature. We all held hands to create a closed circuit and turn on this little ball. 

With our hands all touching, the ball lights up and makes a noise. When anyone in the chain breaks contact, it stops. Western medicine is currently using electromagnetic therapy for everything from healing injuries to easing depression and social anxiety—and we are electromagnetic beings. We all have the ability to heal with our hands. 

Everyone had a great time and learned a lot. There were even serious inquiries into taking reiki Level 1 classes. Our hosts were very pleased with the turnout and interest level, and wanted to produce another event at the Aurora facility (where the air traffic controllers are). We couldn't have been more happy with the outcome.

My only regret:  I was so busy giving demos and my presentation, I didn't get any photos of Gina! She was there answering questions about reiki for animals and offering up her gifts right alongside me. She also took all the pictures. Thanks on behalf of all of us, Gina!

Here's to raising awareness and availability of the benefits of reiki!
If you'd like us to visit your workplace, please get in touch.
If you're a reiki channel who would like to join us in our outreach efforts, we'd love to meet you!
Complete the application linked to our web page to get the process started.